Extreme Savings Travel Card is the #1 Travel Card in the marketplace and it is marketed exclusively through iClub BIZ.
Purchase Your Card Today!
Travel Agency Prices
And Rebates
Only $29.95!How do you say no to this?
Your Travel Card will give you access to a special pass-code protected site where you will be able to setup personal travel agent booking engines that you can book your travel on. You’ll get Travel Agency Rates and earn commissions on your reservations too!
IT’S ONLY $29.95!!!
HAVE FUN – SAVE MONEY – MAKE A MEMORYThe Extreme Savings Travel Card is designed to help you have more Fun in your Life
and at the same time help you Save More Money and Make a Memory that will last a lifetime!……………
“It Ain’t Rocket Science!”
Here is the easiest way to look at our travel program. The #1 travel booking engine is Expedia. You would be hard pressed to find someone who has not booked a reservation on Expedia.
Your Travel Card will get you access to the Expedia Travel Agent Program called Expedia TAAP (Travel Agent Affiliate Program) that pays our Host Agency a 6% commission on rental cars, a 10% commission on hotel stays, a 5% commission on fly and stay packages and a 10% commission on activities when booked on that site. Your Travel Card will allow you to receive 2/3 of the commissions paid to our Host Agency. It will take you less than a minute to setup your Expedia TAAP account and then all you have to do is login and make your reservation.
And it’s not just Expedia TAAP.
We have several Travel Agent Booking Engines that you will have access to. Here are just a few:
“Great Program for Personal Use!”
How can you say no to this? With your Travel Card you are able to book all of your personal travel at travel agency rates and earn 2/3 of the travel commissions that are paid to the seller of travel. You don’t have to take any classes and there are no other fees to pay. No website fees, No industry fees, No processing fees. THERE ARE NO OTHER FEES!
Your Travel Card will get you access to Travel Agent Booking Engines where you’ll get Travel Agency Rates and earn 2/3 of the commissions on your personal travel.
Why buy travel at retail when you can buy it at wholesale?